Forever Clouds



“Painting is an emotional and intuitive process for me, where I always strive to find harmony within the different techniques I utilize. I love to re-create things, playing with the many potentials of the mediums, stretching their meanings to find a clean, detailed yet powerful execution.”

This Clouds exhibition started more than a year ago with a series of en-plain-air drawings gazing at the Australian skies…bringing me back to a childhood dreaming state, I developed a series of studies experimenting with shapes, colors and techniques…my connection with the Divina Conscientia/divine consciousness and the playfulness side of me have merged in a body of work of a series of semi-abstract/semi-minimalistic oil paintings, small sculptures to create a dialogue with the artworks, a video of the making and a digital fabric installation with creative writing…in the latter I have integrated few of my original poems both in my native language, Italian, the ancient language of Latin and English: borrowing from the past to make the new, teasing the status quo, playing with perception…

The exhibition runs from 8-26 Feb 2023

at The Incinerator Art Space, Willoughby

Opening night 9th Feb 6-8pm


